Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Showing the backstory, and probability

Whew, been a while since I have last posted on here, hasn’t it?

I’ve been pretty much busy with writing down Fairy Chess for NaNoWriMo. It was quite hard doing the challenge, mainly because it’s quite hard to come up with ideas on what’s going to happen in a scene, even if you know the general outline. But I managed to persevere, and in the end, I managed to write 50219 words, and about one third of the novel. Which is a great achievement for me, since every time I even managed to start a novel in these past few years, it would always stop somewhere before the third chapter...

Anyway, alongside the main story, I have written a couple of short stories that explain a few things about the two main character’s background. If anyone wants to have a look at them, and comment on them, then feel free to have a look. But beware. I copypasted the story directly from my unedited NaNoWriMo novel, so the text is still full of plot of holes, and with enough grammar errors to feed a Grammar Nazi. Tread carefully. XD

So, the other thing I want to talk about is Alyssa. Again. Really, this girl is giving me so many problems...

During the course of Fairy Chess, in her backstory, and in the future stories I have in mind for her, as well as in her OCBZ version, Alyssa engages in various dangerous activities, such as escaping from magical girls, spying on them, organizing an attack on them, escaping from their prison once she is captured, convince the other prisoners to aid her, organize a raid on the girls and kill a large quantity of them through bombs and zerg rush, remain hidden from the wrathful girls, engage a magical girl into a one of one gun kata battle, finish off her previous job of eradicating the magical girls... All interesting things that I would like Alyssa to do in the course of the story, and many other for future stories. But there’s a problem with that.

The problem with the above is that, in order for her to pull off these kinds of situations, she would have to be a) a Mary Sue, b) the goddamn Batman, or c) incredibly lucky. Option a) is the one I would quite like to avoid, thank you very much. Option b) is also out of the question, because that kind of defeats the point I wanted to get with Alyssa. She wants to be in control of her life, but life continuously puts it out of control, and being the goddamn Batman, while it may be something she aspires to, is a much more stable situation than the one I want her to be in. Also, the backstory I have in mind for her does not really allow for it. And the problem with option c) is that the stuff Alyssa needs to do requires her to be extremely lucky, and people may start calling out on such extremes of luck that comes without any particular reason. Unless...

I had a chat with one of my friends a while ago, where I basically illustrated all the points above. And he said: “Well, why don’t you give her some low end luck manipulating powers?”. This simple yet elegant solution has provided me not only an answer to my problem, but also inspiration for ideas in future stories (such as, what would happen if Alyssa, who wants to be in control, gains enough power to basically have Fate itself do her bidding?).

I shall be working to develop this idea further in my stories. And right now, I have got a couple of questions to answer, to start integrating it in Alyssa’s character:
1)What is the nature of this power over Fate? What can it do, and what are it’s drawbacks? How does Alyssa control it?
2)How do I keep Alyssa and others from noticing it until later on in the story? How do I keep the power low key?
3) How can I alter some main events to fit this idea, but not make it too obvious? Can I include any negativity from this power?
4)Will Alyssa become in the future that which she greatly despises, being a magical girl?
5)Could I use this power to further Alyssa’s tendency to weaponize memes and tropes?

Well, that’s some more work to be done, and it will be something I shall be working on once I finish off my semester exams.

See ya around!


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